Your Feedback Is Needed
The Board of the American Benedictine Academy recognizes that the organization is at a turning point. Amid many post-pandemic social and economic shifts, and changes in the realities of the monastic world, it seems prudent to assess and update the mission of the ABA to better align with new realities. This is consistent with our history of re-focusing the organization’s structure and activities in times of change while remaining true to the ABA’s purpose “to cultivate, study, and support the Benedictine heritage within contemporary culture” (ABA Constitution II).
The ABA Board is gathering information from current members, monastic leaders, and others to help us understand what people value about the current ABA and to shape what might be the ABA of the future. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey, ideally by February 14, 2025.
The board will be gathering at Saint Meinrad Archabbey February 14-16 to review the feedback we have received and to discern prayerfully next steps for the American Benedictine Academy.
Select one of the following survey options:
Survey for Monastic Studies Scholars or Others
If you should have questions or additional comments, please feel free to contact [email protected].